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idnumberA unique identifier that distinguishes each country.1
namestringRepresents the official name of the country."Afghanistan"
iso3stringRefers to the three-letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 code for the country."AFG"
iso2stringRefers to the two-letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code for the country."AF"
numeric_codestringA three-digit numeric ISO 3166-1 code assigned to the country."004"
phone_codenumberRefers to the international dialing code associated with that country.93
capitalstringRefers to the city or town that serves as the administrative and political center of the country."Kabul"
currencystringRefers to the official monetary system used for transactions within that country."AFN"
currency_namestringRefers to the full name of the official currency used in that country."Afghan afghani"
currency_symolstringRefers to the graphical symbol or sign used to represent the country's currency."؋"
nativestringRefers to the name of the country in its own native language."افغانستان"
regionstringRefers to the broader geographical area or part of the world where the country is located."Asia"
subregionstringRefers to a smaller, more specific geographical area within a region."Southern Asia"
emojistringRefers to the flag or symbol used to visually represent that country."🇦🇫"
tldstringRefers to the suffix at the end of a country's internet domain name.".af"
latitudestringRefers to the geographical coordinate that specifies the north-south position."33.00000000"
longitudestringRefers to the geographical coordinate that specifies the east-west position."65.00000000"
hasStatesbooleanIndicates whether the country contains any states.true